Culture and technique are the key elements on which NOTE. builds their education. Being able to identify with the history of style enables hairdressers to build a cohesive clientele and keep your approach constantly on the move. Sound technique leaves room for creativity, bearing in mind that style and personal suitability come first.
“Aesthetics, Ideology and Craft” is the foundation of all things NOTE. The course gives a comprehensive take on how we look at the technical side of hairdressing: hair as material, sectioning and understanding style are seen as equal parts of work along with cutting. Due to NOTE’s progressive nature, the class can be revisited when one needs inspiration to in salon work – we aim to present this class with fresh content always. “Aesthetics, Ideology and Craft” is also our tool when starting in-salon training and one-to-ones.
“Modern barbering” is a stand alone day with focus on short hair. “Modern Barbering” gives perspective on how to approach work with short lengths along with the importance of shape and balance. “Modern barbering” can also be held as an in-salon training.
The five day course is divided into two separate two day sessions and one stand alone day:
Days 1 & 2 – The Square / The Round
Days 3 & 4 – The Shape / The Modern
Day 5 – Modern Barbering
Visual material for each day is available behind the links below this text.
Through NOTE.’s education we seek to up the technical side of work and attract a steady, multifaceted salon clientele.
To be added to NOTE.education’s newsletter, feel free to send us an e-mail. Through our newsletter you will get a detailed info on all events hosted by NOTE. in the future. Feel free to send us an e-mail to be added education@noteconcept.fi
NOTE. is a brand based in Turku whose salon has offered high quality work for their clientele since 2018 along with educating people in the field internationally. We want to facilitate you a pleasant experience where hair is seen as a part of personal style and aesthetics.
NOTE. offers complimentary consultation – the aim is to estimate the cost of bigger work such as lightning the hair. If you wish, you can book consultation to any question related to hair in the field of cut and colour. We want to help with whatever you have on your mind.
Highlighting and bleaching can be booked only through consultation to quarantee a quality finish.
The salon in Turku also serves as the workspace for NOTE.education who are behind the brand’s Annual Report.
NOTE. takes a part in global well being by serving only products in the salon that are free from animal based ingredients.
We warmly welcome you,
“If you are a member of the media, you belong to the public. You’ve made that Faustian bargain with your public. Take me – all of me – I’m yours.” – Kenneth Anger
Halutessasi voit varata meiltä maksuttoman ajan konsultointiin – konsultoinnin tarkoitus on selkeyttää työvaiheita esimerkiksi hiusten vaalennuksen taustalla ja antaa hinta-arvio prosessista.
Hiusten vaalennustyöt varaamme vain konsultoinnin kautta työn laadun takaamiseksi – konsultointiajan saat soittamalla meille, tai käymälle NOTE.:n kampaamossa.
Konsultoinnin voit varata myös itsellesi, jos haluat tulla keskustelemaan hiuksen fiiliksen muuttamisesta – haluamme olla avuksi, jos koet asian kysymisen arvoiseksi.
Vaalean värin tekeminen ja ylläpito on monialainen kokonaisuus, konsultoinnin kautta selviää myös tarve hiuksen ylläpidolle. Hiusväri pysyy pidempään uuden näköisenä kun hiusta itsessään hoidetaan värin viitoittamalla tavalla.
Vaalennus rasittaa hiusta, mutta ei huomattavasti jos työ on kokonaisuudessaan ajatuksella suunniteltu ja toteutettu. Kothoitotuotteiden funktio on uudelleenrakentaa hiusta vaalenusprosessin jälkeen, sekä ylläpitää hiuksen kuntoa jotta väri säilyy.
Kesä on tunnetusti sesonkiaikaa vaalennuksille – luonnolliset vaaleat ja kylmät hiusvärit tarvitsevat samaa perusteltua hoitoa. Kun olet ajatuksissa vaalentaa hiuksiasi, ole yhteydessä NOTE.:n kampaamoon ja varaa itsellesi aika maksuttomaan konsultointiin. Konsultointi ei sido sinua kyseistä käyntiä enempää mihinkään.
Kotimainen käsityö, sekä henkilökuvan vahvuus muodostavat tämän lookbookiin kokonaisuuden.
Sisältö on henkilökohtaisen tyylin ja sen monimuotoisuuden dokumentaatio, joka edustaa suomalaisen designin nykyhetkeä ja kommunikoi tulevaa.
Brändien yhtestyökokoelma on julkistettu ja kuvamateriaali on nähtävillä Annual Report-valikon takana.
NOTE. vastaa kuvien väreistä, sekä leikkauksista kokonaisuudessaan.
Aninkaistenkatu 8
20100 Turku
0400 81 00 61
To book an appointment or make changes to one coming up, please use the online reservation system or call NOTE. salon.
NOTE. is a pioneering Finnish brand in the field of hairdressing and we are looking for new people to join our ranks.
Along with salon work NOTE. provides education based on the concept, produces signature marketing material and hosts events. We’ve also worked internationally through the brand’s education.
Contact us through the form provided here and we’ll get in touch with you for more specified information.
All applications are welcome regardless of years spent in the work.
Talk to you soon –